CropPest DSS
About Mirid Bug

Mirids assumes economic significance with the advent of Bt cotton. Changed pesticide use pattern in Bt cotton mainly contributed to the flare-up of mirids. Despite their sap feeding habit, they cause significant damaged to fruiting structures leading to shedding of squares and young bolls; and deformation of mature bolls. Mirids comprising of three species viz., Crenotiades biseratens Distance, Campylomma livida Reuter, and Hyalopelpus lineifer Walker are prevalent in both sole cotton and mixed cropping systems although the dominants species may vary. The extent of yield loss on cotton due to mirid is reported between 50 and 95 kg ha-1. Cloudy weather and warm temperatures favors rapid mirid build-up within a short time frame in Australia, while high mid-season rainfall coincides with peak mirid population during flowering and fruiting stages in China. Correct species identification, appropriate sampling strategy, estimation of developmental rates and generation time; extent of natural regulation and off-season biology are crucial to understand the population dynamics and management of mirid in cotton based cropping systems.

Sampling and Prediction Tools

  1. Sequential Sampling Tool -                    Click here for Fixed Sequential Sampling Tool

  2. Precision Sampling Tool -                    Click here for Fixed Precision Sampling Tool

  3. Weather Based Prediction rule -                    Click here for Fixed Weather Based Prediction Rules

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Fixed Sequential Sampling Tool

Level of accuracy
Insects stage
Enter total plants observed
(*It accepts only numeric and decimal numbers)
Enter cumulative pest count
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Fixed Precision Sampling Tool

Level of accuracy
Insects stage
Enter input density
(*It accepts only numeric and decimal numbers)
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Fixed Weather Based Prediction Rule

Please Input Weather data for the Preceding week (Mean of previous 7days)

Maximum Temperature
Minimum Temperature
RH Morning
RH Evening
Rainy Day in a week
(RD = >2.5 mm/day)
Mirid adult
Square discoloration
Parrot beaking symptom