As part of the Swachhta Pakhwada activities, a campaign was organized under the Farmer FIRST project adopted village Bakapur, Pudur Mandal, Vikarabad District, focusing on cleanliness and sanitation, awareness on recycling of waste water and water harvesting in agriculture. Dr. M. Padmaiah, Principal Scientist (Retd.) and Head, SS section, ICAR-IIOR, was the Chief Guest, and Dr. G. Nirmala, Principal Investigator, FFP, ICAR-CRIDA coordinated the program.
During the campaign, Dr. Padmaiah stressed various problems faced by farmers, emphasizing the need for cleanliness and sanitation in Farm, Home and community surroundings in keeping up good health.
He also explained different water harvesting practices and management of water in agriculture for enhancing water use efficiency in oilseeds and other food crops. A cleanliness drive was also conducted with the participation of farmers and students, where calcium hypochlorite (bleaching powder) was applied to sewerage canals to ensure sanitation. A total of 70 members including farmers, farm women, students and the project staff participated in the programme.