
Capacity Building of tribal farmers under TSP

ICAR-CRIDA conducted five days training programme for Tribal farmers from Adilabad District under TSP on ““Millet Based secondary agriculture for sustainable livelihood” from January 6-10, 2025.

The training programme was inaugurated on January 6, 2024 by Dr. P.K Pankaj, PME In charge ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad. Dr. Pankaj, in his address emphasised on the importance of entrepreneurship development in rural areas through millet-based activities. Various topics like Millets in nutritional security of household, Value addition and processing for rural livelihood, Soil management in Millet cultivation etc were included in the training programme. The training programme was attended by 34 farmers (20 male and 14 female farmers).

As a part of training programme various exposure visits were conducted in ICAR-IIMR, ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, Millet processing facility of PJTSAU and ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseed Research, Hyderabad for the farmers,

The valedictory session was held on January 10, 2024 wherein Dr. V.K Singh, Director ICAR-CRIDA was the chief guest of the session. He addressed the trainees and received feedback from them. He explained the role of millet enterprises for entrepreneurship development. Dr RP Mishra, Head and Principal Scientist, ICAR- IIFSR, Modipuram also spoke about the initiatives taken by them for farmers at their institute. Trainees were given certificate of participation during the session. The Training programme was coordinated by Dr. Jagriti Rohit Scientist (Agril. Extn), Dr. Manoranjan Kumar Principal Scientist (Soil and water conservation engg), Dr. B Narsimulu, Principal Scientist (Soil and water conservation engg), Dr. A.K Indoria Senior Scientist (Soil physics), Dr. S Kundu, Senior scientist (Agronomy) , Dr. B Bhargavi Scientist (Agronomy) and Mr. Bharath L Alam Scientist (Genetics and Plant Breeding) .