
Capacity Building of tribal farmers under TSP

ICAR-CRIDA conducted five days training programme for Tribal farmers from Adilabad District under TSP on “Climate Risk Management for Sustainable Agriculture” from September 2-6, 2024.

The chief guest of the Inaugural session on Septmeber 2, 2024 was Dr Rajbir Singh, (AAF&CC), NRM, ICAR. Dr. V.K Singh, Director CRIDA welcomed Dr Rajbir Singh and explained about the various activities undertake in Tribal Sub Plan at Adilabad District. Dr Rajbir Singh, (AAF&CC) in his address motivated farmers to adopt livelihood generating enterprises like bee keeping. He also emphasized the importance of climate change its measures to be undertaken. The training includes lectures, hands on experience and also exposure visits. Various topics like irrigation management in major rainfed crops, improving water use efficiency through soil health management, climate resilient agriculture in Adilabad District etc were cover during the training programme. Farmers visited Hayathnagar research farm and Gunegal Research Farm for practical exercises on soil and water management

As a part of training programme various exposure visits were conducted for the farmers including Water technology centre, PJTSAU, WALMTRI, Rajendranagar and ICAR-Indian Institute of Millet Research, and ICAR-IIOR, Hyderabad. About 21 farmers participated in the training programme.

The valedictory session was held on September 6, 2024 wherein Dr. S. K Bal, PC AICRPAM was the chief guest of the session. He addressed the trainees and received feedback from them. He explained the role of water management in agriculture. Trainees were given certificate of participation during the session. The Training programme was coordinated by Dr. Jagriti Rohit Scientist (Agril. Extn), Dr. Manoranjan Kumar Principal Scientist (Soil and water conservation engg), Dr. B Narsimlu Kumar Principal Scientist (Soil and water conservation engg), Dr. A.K Indoria Senior Scientist (Soil Physics & SWC), Dr. S Kundu, Senior Scientist (Agronomy), Dr. K .B Sridhar Senior Scientist (Agroforestry) Dr. G Priya Pandurang and Dr. B Bhargavi Scientist (Agronomy).