
Demonstration of Agricultural spraying Drone at TSP villages

ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad demonstrated drone spraying techniques in cotton crop at the tribal villages of Adilabad district under STC (TSP) project of ICAR-CRIDA during 01-02 August 2024.

Total three demonstration were conducted over five acres area at three different villages and 80 farmers were participated in the demonstration. The farm machinery scientists from ICAR-CRIDA, Dr. B Sanjeeva Reddy (Principal Scientist) and Dr Ashish Dhimate (Scientist) explained about the timeliness and precision achieved in drone spraying technology in comparison with commercial sprayers.

They also explained about the technicality of agricultural drone spraying system and its importance in precise application of inputs for improving productivity and profitability. Further, they urged farmers to adopt these new technologies to reduce drudgery and improve the productivity


