ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture organised field day at Garkampet village of Adilabad District under Tribal Sub Plan on December 22, 2024. The field day was attended by Director, ICAR-CRIDA, Dr. V. K Singh, Shri Bhim Rao, Marketing director, Shri Govind Rao Sarpanch, Dr. Manoranjan Kumar, Principal Scientist and Nodal Officer, TSP, Scientists from CRIDA and about 300 farmers.
Dr. Jagriti Rohit, l Scientist, welcomed and ICAR-CRIDA apprised the farmers about the objective of tribal sub plan and work carried out in the programme (TSP). Dr. Manoranjan Kumar, Nodal officer, TSP presented the progress during the last year under TSP. Dr. V.K. Singh highlighted about successful technologies in Dryland Agriculture like rain water management through farm pond technology, adoption of agri-allied enterprises. He also discussed about the importance of Swachhta/ Cleanliness in our lives. Sarpanch also praised the effort of ICAR-CRIDA and its role in providing water for irrigation in form of farm pond in the village.
Dr. AK Indoria, SS, (Soil Physics &SWC), explained the importance and use of soil health card which was distributed to the farmers later. Farmers were also provided with the inputs like biofertilizer, seeds of green gram and blackgram, vermibed, sinc sulphate and decomposer capsules.
Farmers also discussed about the problems faced by the farmers in the village and their expectation from the programme. Later, monitoring of the interventions was conducted in the presence of Director, CRIDA. The event was conducted by team of CRIDA scientists consisting of Dr. Manoranjan Kumar, Principal Scientist and Nodal Officer, TSP,) Dr.P. K Pankaj, PS (LPM), Dr. AK Indoria, SS, (Soil Physics &SWC), Dr. S Kundu, Senior Scientist, (Agromony), Dr. Pushpanjali Senior scientist (Soil Science) and Dr. Jagriti Rohit, Scientist (Agril. Extn).