During February 0.5% Urea (5 g/lit.) or 1% Potassium Nitrate (10g/lit.) may be sprayed to induce flowering in mango.
i.Plant regular bearing varieties like Banglora, Neelum
ii.Follow regular cultural practices like manuring, pruning, watering and plant protection measures.
Fruit set in acid lime can be increased by 2,4,D @ 20 ppm during flowering. Similarly the fruit retention can be achieved by spraying 2,4,D @ 20 ppm / NAA 30 ppm after fruit set (marble size).
Alphonso, Banganapalli, Sendura
Pandal system Suggest some of the methods to increase grape yield and quality. Dip the clusters in solution containing Brassinosteroid 0.5 ppm and GA3 25 ppm at 10 -12 days after fruit set.
Dip the clusters of Thomson seedless and other seedless varieties at calyptra fall with 25 ppm GA (25 mg/lit) and repeat again at pepper stage to increase the size of berries.
A quantity of 400 g of Copper sulphate should be dissolved in 20 lit of water and 400 g of lime in another 20 lit of water separately. The copper sulphate solution should be added to the lime solution constantly stirring the mixture. Earthern or wooden vessels and plastic containers alone should be used and metallic containers should not be used. To find out whether the mixture is in correct proportion, a polished knife should be dipped in the mixture for one minute and taken out. If there is reddish brown deposit of copper, additional quantity of lime should be added till there is no deposit in the knife.
Combined spraying of ZnSO4, MgSO4, and MnSO4 @ 0.5 % and CuSO4 and FeSO4 @ 0.25 % + Teepol @ 1 ml per 5 lit. of solution on a new flush, one month of 1st spray, flowering and fruit set stage will control the bronzing of leaves in guava.
i. Bag the fruits with polythene covers during flowering period to prevent egg-laying ii. Spray 2 ml/lit of Endosulfon or Malathion iii. Spray neem oil 3 % or NSKE 5 % at the time of butterfly activity
i. Destroy the infested fruits ii. Dig the soil under tree canopy to destroy pupae and incorporate Lindane 1.3 % dust @ 30 g/tree. iii. Spray Malathion or Endosulfon or Quinolphos 2 ml/lit
Aonla, Sapota and Ber VEGETABLE CROPS
i. Helicoverpa armigera and Spodoptera litura (common for both) i. Grow simultaneously 40 days old American tall marigold and 25 days old tomato seedlings @ 1:16 rows.
ii. Set up pheromone traps @ 12/ha.
iii. Collection and destruction of damaged fruits and grown up caterpillars.
iv. Spray endosulfan 35EC 2 ml/lit or carbaryl 50WP 2 g/lit or Bacillus thuringiensis 2g/lit or quinalphos 2.5 ml/lit.
v. Release Trichogramma chilonis @ 50000/ha/release coinciding with flowering time and based on ETL. For Helicoverpa armigera Helicoverpa armigera NPV 1.5 x 1012 POBs/ha For Spodoptera litura Spodoptera litura NPV 1.5 x 1012 POBs/ha Provide poison bait with carbaryl 1.25 kg, rice bran 12.5 kg, jaggery 1.25 kg and water 7.5 lit/ha. Suggest some ways to control spotted wilt virus in tomato. Carbofuran 3G 1kg. a.i./ha in nursery at sowing and second application at 1.25 kg a.i./ha 10 days after transplanting in mainfield and 3 sprays of Endosulphan 35 EC 1.5 ml/lit @ 25, 40, 55 days after transplanting.
150 g/ha
Spray 2 ppm (1 ml in 500 lit) triacontanol + Sodium borate or Borax 35 mg/lit of water 15 days after transplanting and at the time of full bloom to increase the yield.
It is mainly due to virus disease problem called ‘little leaf of brinjal’. This can be controlled by removing the affected plants in the early stage and spray Methyl dematon 25 EC 2 ml/lit to control the vector.
This is mainly due to the virus infection. The virus mainly transmitted through white flies. The vectors can be controlled by spraying 2 ml/lit of Monocrotophos.
Application of potassium in the form of Potassium Sulphate will increase the quality in chilli crop.
Spray NAA 10 ppm (10 mg/lit of water) on 60 and 90 days after planting to increase the fruit set.
i. Bag the fruits with polythene covers during flowering period to prevent egg-laying
ii. Spray 2 ml/lit of Endosulfon or Malathion
iii. Spray neem oil 3 % or NSKE 5 % at the time of butterfly activity
i. Destroy the infested fruits
ii. Dig the soil under tree canopy to destroy pupae and incorporate Lindane 1.3 % dust @ 30 g/tree.
iii. Spray Malathion or Endosulfon or Quinolphos 2 ml/lit
Aonla, Sapota and Ber VEGETABLE CROPS
Helicoverpa armigera and Spodoptera litura (common for both) i. Grow simultaneously 40 days old American tall marigold and 25 days old tomato seedlings @ 1:16 rows. ii. Set up pheromone traps @ 12/ha. iii. Collection and destruction of damaged fruits and grown up caterpillars. iv. Spray endosulfan 35EC 2 ml/lit or carbaryl 50WP 2 g/lit or Bacillus thuringiensis 2g/lit or quinalphos 2.5 ml/lit. v. Release Trichogramma chilonis @ 50000/ha/release coinciding with flowering time and based on ETL. For Helicoverpa armigera Helicoverpa armigera NPV 1.5 x 1012 POBs/ha For Spodoptera litura Spodoptera litura NPV 1.5 x 1012 POBs/ha Provide poison bait with carbaryl 1.25 kg, rice bran 12.5 kg, jaggery 1.25 kg and water 7.5 lit/ha. Suggest some ways to control spotted wilt virus in tomato. Carbofuran 3G 1kg. a.i./ha in nursery at sowing and second application at 1.25 kg a.i./ha 10 days after transplanting in mainfield and 3 sprays of Endosulphan 35 EC 1.5 ml/lit @ 25, 40, 55 days after transplanting.
150 g/ha
Spray 2 ppm (1 ml in 500 lit) triacontanol + Sodium borate or Borax 35 mg/lit of water 15 days after transplanting and at the time of full bloom to increase the yield.
It is mainly due to virus disease problem called ‘little leaf of brinjal’. This can be controlled by removing the affected plants in the early stage and spray Methyl dematon 25 EC 2 ml/lit to control the vector.
This is mainly due to the virus infection. The virus mainly transmitted through white flies. The vectors can be controlled by spraying 2 ml/lit of Monocrotophos.
Application of potassium in the form of Potassium Sulphate will increase the quality in chilli crop.
Spray NAA 10 ppm (10 mg/lit of water) on 60 and 90 days after planting to increase the fruit set.
PKM-1, PKM-2 and KM-1
500 grams
i. Use flame torch when the caterpillar settle at the trunk
ii. Spray Chloripyriphos or Quinalphos 2 ml/lit.
i. Grow mustard as intercrop as 20:1 ratio to attract diamond back moths for oviposition.
ii. Periodically spray the mustard crop with insecticide to avoid the dispersal of the larvae.
iii. Install pheromone traps at 12/ha.
iv. Spray cartap hydrochloride 1 g/lit or Bacillus thuringiensis 2 g/lit at primordial stage (ETL 2 larvae/plant)
v. Spray NSKE 5 % after primordial stage.
vi. Release parasite Diadegma semiclausum at 50,000/ha, 60 days after planting.
The best time of pruning is the period when the activity of rose plant is atleast and the plant is dormant to near dormant stage. Pruning time will depend on climatic conditions of the particular region. Cutting back the vigorous past season shoots to half the length. All the weak, diseased, criss-crossing and unproductive shoots are removed. The cut ends should be protected with Bordeaux or Copper oxychloride + Carboryl 50 WP.
The flowering will commence 45 days after pruning.
Before planting, dip the roots of the suckers in carbendazim 1 gm in 1 lit to protect against wilt.
Pinching should be done once in 4 weeks after planting to induce more branching in chrysanthemum.