This KVK was established in 1976 as an innovative institution attached to then All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Dryland Agriculture (AICRPDA) to organize need based and skill oriented trainings on the basis of work experiences for the practicing farmers, farm women by the principles of ‘Learning by doing’ and ‘Teaching by doing’. Subsequently, the mandate of the KVK was revised by adding various other activities viz., conducting Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs), On-farm research, farm advisory service and various extension programs. The KVK is located at the Hayatnagar research farm of CRIDA, Hayatnagar, Ranga Reddy district of Andhra Pradesh. The district is a part of the southern Telengana Zone and is situated in the semi arid belt of the drier part of Deccan Plateau between 16.19o and 18.21o North latitude and 77.30o and 79.30o Eastern latitude.
The problems faced by the farmers are alike in almost in all areas of the Ranga Reddy district. However, their degree of intensity varied from area to area depending upon the availability of resources and crops/enterprises that are being pursued by the farmers. The KVK has identified suitable technologies and also the necessary skills to be provided to the farmers for efficient utilization of technologies in solving various problems faced by them. Depending on the information gathered through PRA surveys and consultations with the subject matter experts and extension specialists, various thrust areas for the district were identified. After acquainted well with the needs of its clientele, the process of technology application and transfer was initiated through several activities. Extension methods, viz., trainings, demonstrations (FLDs and OFTs), group meetings, field visits, etc. were employed appropriately to fit into program plans for educating the farmers in major thrust areas. The KVK as per its mandate is expected to cover the entire district over a period of time. A significant number of mandals and villages were covered by the KVK during the last thirty-eight years of its activities.