About Us
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) was established in 1976 to cater the needs of the farming community of Ranga Reddy district. The major objectives of KVK is to organise need based and skill oriented training programmes for practicing farmers and farm women by the principles of Learning by doing and Teaching by doing. Considerable amount of work has been done by the KVK by way of transferring technologies related to rainfed farming through On Farm Testing (OFTs), Front line Demonstrations (FLDs), Trainings and extension activities. The farmers, farm women and rural youth in the Ranga Reddy District are being benefited by the KVK activities and trainings since its inception.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ranga Reddy Dist, Hayathnagar Research Form (HRF), Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Hayathnagar, Hyderabad, Telangana, India - 501 505.
040 24200732