
Monitoring of interventions at Gaddamallaiahguda Village

The visit was done by Dr. Timmanna, Scientist (Entomology) and Dr. C. N. Anshida Beevi, Scientist (Agril. Extension), ICAR-CRIDA visited Gaddamallaiahguda Village, Yacharam Mandal, Rangareddy District, Telangana on 15th July 2024.

The village has been adopted under a project entitled “Model Village Approach for Assessment and Dissemination of Dryland Technologies”. Initially, the scientists monitored the various interventions under the project and visited farmers’ fields selected under FLD. The pest and disease diagnosis were made in yellow sorghum, pigeon pea, and vegetable crops such as tomato, brinjal, and cucurbits.

After that, a Focused Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted to make them aware of the pest diagnosis and their control measures through advisory (for sorghum stem borer, Dimethoate 30EC spray @10 ml/ 10 litre of water or Carbofuran 3G @ 1:1ratio (granules: sand). For brinjal fruit and shoot borer, Emamectin benzoate 5% SG @4 gram or Spinosad 45SC @ 4ml per 10-liter water. In tomato, for sucking pests Imidacloprid 17.80 % SL@3ml or cyantraniliprole 10.26 OD @ 15 ml and for fruit borer Indoxacarb 14.5 SC@ 1ml or Spinetoram 11.7SC @ 0.8 ml /liter were recommended.

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