In This programme chief Guests were
Shri. K Shiva Prasad ,District Agriculture Officer explained the positive impact of Nano Fertilisers importance and usage .
Dr. V Girijaveni Sr. Scientist CRIDA Hyderabad mainly focused on how the Nano fertilisers response to soils functioning and its impacts to soil pollution and madam shared the technical experiment results of nano fertilisers .
Shri M. R Kripashankar explained about IFFCO, IFFCO Products & Usage of Nano Urea Plus , Nano DAP & Sagarika, Agriculture and Fertilisers scenario in India and In Telangana, and on IFFCO Drone Project services.
Dr. S A Hussain given technical presentation on Nano fertilisers practical uses, showing the demonstrations laid out in the fields, its application methods importance and its uses in the field.