

ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (ICAR-CRIDA), Hyderabad, conducted a special program on International Women's Day, underlining its commitment to gender equality and women's empowerment in the agricultural research sector.

Dr. G. Pratibha, Principal Scientist welcomed the gathering and also highlighted the significance of the day. She also emphasized the role of women in every sphere of our life. The chief guest of the program was Dr. S Glory Swarupa, the Director General of the National Institute for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (ni-msme), Hyderabad.

Dr. Swarupa shared her valuable experiences and insights on the role of women in entrepreneurship and the broader economy. Her speech was a source of inspiration, urging women to pursue their dreams and break barriers in all spheres of life.

Dr. V K Singh, the Director of ICAR-CRIDA highlighted the institute's commitment to gender equality and the empowerment of women in research and development sectors. His speech underscored the significant strides made towards inclusive growth and the pivotal role women play in agriculture and science. The event also featured a prize distribution for the winners of the Women's Day competitions and also honouring of women staff superannuating this year for their dedicated service to the Institute.

The program was coordinated by Dr. V. Visha Kumari and Dr. Savitha Santosh representing the women’s cell of the institute. The Women's Day celebration at ICAR-CRIDA was not only a reflection of the institute's commitment to gender equality but also a testament to the remarkable contributions of women. It was a day filled with inspiration, acknowledgment, and the collective resolve to continue working towards a more inclusive and equitable world.