Linkages & Collaborations
CRIDA continually endeavours to forge new linkages and collaborations with stakeholders while renewing and strengthening old ones. CRIDA promotes action oriented research in public - private partnership mode through consortium approach. It has strong collaboration with ICRISAT, ILRI, IWMI, ANGRAU and other SAUs, JNTU, University of Delhi, Osmania University and other Universities and NGOs for developing and refining technologies for improving profitability in rainfed agriculture. CRIDA also plays a role in advising agencies such as central / state line departments to develop suitable policies for implementing programmes on rainfed agriculture. The Institute undertakes specific basic, applied, strategic and anticipatory research programmes fulfilling mandates of both itself and donors agencies. The partners in this mode include CSIR, DBT, DST, NOVOD Board, PPIC, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh and the like. CRIDA also undertakes consultancy programmes for specific tasks from Government of Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, WWF, etc. CRIDA takes inputs from IMD and NCMRWF and generates value added outputs for the benefit of rainfed farmers.