
Interface meeting on enhancing the preparedness for agriculture contingencies during kharif 2024 for Gujarat

A Virtual Interface Meeting on Enhancing the Preparedness of Agricultural Contingencies in Kharif 2024 for Gujarat state was organized on 13.06.2024 by ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, and Department of Agriculture, Govt. of Gujarat. Dr. V.K. Singh, Director, ICAR-CRIDA; Sh. S.J. Solanki, Director, Dept of Agriculture, Govt. of Gujarat; ShRI. Rajput and Shri M.B. Patel, Additional Directors, Dept of Agriculture, Director (Res)/Director (Extension)/ Representatives of Anand Agricultural University, Junagadh Agricultural University, Navsari Agricultural University, and Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University; Representatives of ICAR institutes located in Gujarat; Scientists from ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad, AICRPDA and AICRPAM centres in Gujarat; Additional Directors of Agriculture/District Agriculture Officers of various districts, and Project Coordinators of KVKs attended the meeting.

Dr. V.K. Singh, Director, ICAR-CRIDA briefed about the purpose of the meeting and also highlighted on rainfall scenario forecasted by IMD for Gujarat state & some of the measures to be adopted to cope with weather aberrations in agriculture sector.

Dr. K.V. Rao, Head, DRM, CRIDA presented the monsoon situation – 2024 for the country and Gujarat in particular, and implications of likely above-normal monsoon scenario on different sectors of agriculture. He further stressed on the need for rainwater harvesting and efficient recycling for enhancing the productivity of crops.

Dr. K.V. Rao, Head, DRM, CRIDA presented the monsoon situation – 2024 for the country and Gujarat in particular, and implications of likely above-normal monsoon scenario on different sectors of agriculture. He further stressed on the need for rainwater harvesting and efficient recycling for enhancing the productivity of crops.

Sh. S.J. Solanki, Director, Dept of Agriculture appraised on kharif programme plan in terms of major crops to be grown and the targeted areas during kharif 2024 and availability of inputs. He further informed that there is need to have contingency plans to cope with extreme temperatures, and need to ensure availability of seed of contingent crops/varieties

The Joint Directors of Agriculture/District Agriculture Officers presented an overview of status as well as the contingency measures to deal with weather aberrations. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Dr. Prabhat Kumar Pankaj, Principal Scientist, CRIDA, Hyderabad.

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