
Interface meeting on enhancing the preparedness for agriculture contingencies during kharif 2024 for Jharkhand

A Virtual Interface Meeting on Enhancing the Preparedness of Agricultural Contingencies in Kharif 2024 for Jharkhand state was organized on 08.07.2024 by ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, and Department of Agriculture, Govt. of Jharkhand. Shri. Pradeep Hazarika, Special Secretary, Dept. of Agriculture, Jharkhand; Dr. Mukesh Sinha, Deputy Director, Dept. of Agriculture, Jharkhand.

Dr. V.K. Singh, Director, ICAR-CRIDA; Dr. Abhijit Kar, Director, ICAR-NISA; Representatives from other Birsa Agricultural University and ICAR institutes located in Jharkhand, Scientists from ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad, AICRPDA and AICRPAM centres in Jharkhand, District Agriculture Officers (DAOs)/Joint Directors of Agriculture (JDAs) of various districts, and Project Coordinators of KVKs attended the meeting.

Dr. K.A. Gopinath, Principal Scientist, ICAR-CRIDA welcomed all the participants. Dr. V.K. Singh, Director, ICAR-CRIDA briefed about the purpose of the meeting, monsoon forecast for Jharkhand state and also highlighted on some of the measures to be adopted to cope with weather aberrations in agriculture sector.

Dr. A.V.M. Subba Rao, Principal Scientist, ICAR-CRIDA presented the progress of monsoon so far, forecast and implications for Jharkhand. He further highlighted that there has been a delay in onset of monsoon followed by about 60% deficit in June rainfall; hence suitable contingency measures need to be adopted. Dr. Mukesh Sinha, Deputy Director appraised on kharif programme plan in terms of major crops to be grown and the targeted areas during kharif 2024 and availability of inputs.

The DAOs presented an overview of status as well as the alternatives to face any contingency situation in different districts. Shri. Pradeep Hazarika, Special Secretary highlighted that the state has been facing drought since 3 years and the Govt. of Jharkhand has taken several policy decisions to address such situations.

The Govt. has targeted about 5 lakh ha to be brought under millets cultivation in the state and the farmers are being provided Rs 3000/acre as incentive to grow millets. He requested ICAR-CRIDA to prepare long-term plans to cope with climate change in Jharkhand. He also asked ICAR-CRIDA to prepare the block-level agriculture contingency plans for the state with necessary budgetary support by Jharkhand state.

Shri Hazarika further requested ICAR-CRIDA to organize 2-3 meetings with the Dept. of Agriculture officials during the forthcoming season to address any weather aberrations. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Dr. Prabhat Kumar Pankaj, Principal Scientist, CRIDA, Hyderabad./p>