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Dr. B.Bhargavi

Scientist (Agronomhy)

Education : Ph.D. in Agronomy Major research areas : Integratred farming systems, Weed management

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Experience Profile

  • Joined as a Scientist in ICAR on 02.07.2018
  • Joined as a Scientist in ICAR-CICR, Nagpur on 09.10.2018
  • Joined as a Scientist in ICAR- CRIDA, Hyderabad on 11.08.2022

Awards received

  • University Gold medal for securing highest OGPA in Master of Sciences degree, ANGRAU, Hyderabad
  • DST-INSPIRE fellowship for Ph.D Progamme
  • UGC- National Fellowship for Ph.D Programme

Membership in Professional Societies

  • Life Member, Indian Society of Agronomy (ISA), New Delhi