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Dr. M. Srinivasa Rao

Principal Scientist (Entomology)

Education : Ph.D. in Entomology Major research areas : Crop pest weather modeling and IPM


Experience Profile

  • Scientist (ARS Probationer)- June 1991- May 1992
  • Scientist (Entomology at CRIDA)- 1992-1998
  • Scientist Sr. Scale- 1998-2001
  • Senior Scientist- 2001-2009
  • Principal Scientist- 2009- Till date
  • Head, Division of Crop Sciences: 2023- Till date

Awards & Recognitions

  • Dodla Raghava Reddy Memorial Award 2023
  • Expert Member of VAIBHAV Fellowship programme 2023
  • Outstanding Agricultural Scientist Award 2021
  • Fellow of the Linnaean Society of London 2021
  • Fellowship of Royal Entomological Society, FRES 2021
  • Life Fellow of The Entomological Society of India 2021
  • Fellow of Telangana Academy of Sciences 2020
  • Fellow of Plant Protection Association of India 2018

Research interests

  • Botanical insecticides, Crop-crop diversity as a key component in IPM, Low external input IPM (LEIIPM), Adoption and impact of IPM, Quantification of crop-pest-weather relationships, Pest modeling, Insect pest dynamics under climate change scenarios, Impact of elevated CO2 on insect pests, Estimation of pest scenarios/ pest shifts and interactive effects of elevated CO2 and increased temperature on insects.

Project in progress

  • Impact of elevated CO2 and temperature on host- insect herbivore interactions(Network Project on Climate Change- NPCC) Strategic Research for Pest and Disease Dynamics in relation to Climate Change (National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture, NICRA)

Projects recentlhy concluded

  • Crop-crop diversity as key component of IPM for dryland crop pests
  • Assessment of adoption and impact of Integrated pest management in rainfed crops
  • Development and evaluation of low external input IPM modules in pigeonpea and castor
  • Impact of elevated CO2 on Bt cotton and bollwormsImpact of elevated CO2 and temperature on host- insect herbivore interactions(Network Project on Climate Change- NPCC)
  • .

Software developed

  • Development of software – ingen for estimation of no. of insect generations of insect pests using growing degree days (GDD) approach. Software is available on NICRA website and widely used and published in good number of papers
  • inpin’ software for computing insect performances / indices- Estimation of insect performance indices after considering insect primary parameters

Technologies developed

  • Extracts and formulations of A.squamosa were developed and used in pest management Different formulations using several emulsifiers were prepared and commercialized for use in plant protection against S. litura, A. Janata
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in castor Intercrops like cluster bean and groundnut were identified as suitable companion crops in castor-based systems which facilitated the development of natural enemies and manipulation of microclimate and in turn reduced the insect pests.
  • Diversified cropping system by the introduction of suitable companion crop created crop- crop diversity and facilitated the in-situ culturing of natural enemies in pigeonpea based intercropping systems which were well adopted by the rainfed farmers. The cropping systems served as a major component of IPM of pigeonpea and were proved to be agronomically, entomologically and economically efficient.
  • Application of meta-analysis to study the impact of crop diversity on insect pests and ii) in impact of elevated CO2 on host –insect herbivore interactions.
  • To estimate the impact of increase in temperature on number of generations of tobacco caterpillar

Research supervision

  • Guided three students for M. Sc in Entomology from Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU), Rajendranagar, University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Raichur. Six students for Ph. D from ANGRAU and Osmania University (OU), Hyderabad and from Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU).


  • Research articles
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Rama Rao, C A, Raju, B M K, Subba Rao, A V M, Gayatri, D L A, Adlul Islam, Prasad, T V, Navya, M, Srinivas, K, Pratibha, G, Srinivas, I, Prabhakar, M, Yadav, S K, Bhaskar, S, Singh, V K & Chaudhari, S K. Pest scenario of Helicoverpa armigera (Hub.) on pigeonpea during future climate change periods under RCP based projections in India. Sci Rep 13, 6788 (2023).
  • Srinivasa Rao M, Prasad T V, Vanaja M, Gayatri DLA, Srinivas K, Pratibha G, Srinivas I, Rama Rao CA, Prabhakar M, Yadav SK, Bhaskar S and SinghVK 2023 Independent and interactive effects of eCO2 and eTemp. on Spodoptera frugiperda (J E Smith) on Maize-A major input for prediction of future pest scenario Environ. Res. Commun. 5 (2023) 015008
  • Srinivasa Rao M, Sreelakshmi P, Deekshita K, Vanaja M, Srinivas I, Maheswari M., Srinivas K, Sammi Reddy K, Bhaskar S and Ravindra Chary G 2021 Interactive effects of temperature and CO2 on efficacy of insecticides against Spodoptera litura Fab. in a global warming context Phytoparasitica (Springer Nature)2021,1-15
  • Srinivasa Rao M, Rama Rao CA, Sreelakshmi P, Islam Adlul ,SubbaRaoAVM,Ravindra Chary G and Bhaskar S 2020 Pest scenario of Spodopteralitura (Fab.) on groundnut under Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) based climate change scenarios. Journal of Thermal Biology 94 (2020) 102749. n )
  • Srinivasa Rao, M., O. Shaila, P. Sreelakshmi, S. Vennila, M. Vanaja, AVM. Subba Rao, M. Maheswari and K. Sammi Reddy 2018. Tritrophic Interactions of Cowpea [Vigna unguiculate subs punguiculata (L.)], Aphids [Aphis craccivora (Koch)] and Coccinellids [Menochilus sexmaculatus (Fab.)] under eCO2 and eTemp. Journal of Asia Pacific Entomology. 21: 531–537
  • Srinivasa Rao, M., Shaila Ongolu, Vennila Sengottaiyan and Rama Rao Anantha Chitiprolu 2017. Impact of eCO2 and Temperature on Aphis craccivora koch. On Groundnut and Future Pest Status During Climate Change Scenarios, Journal of Plant Physiol Pathol, Sci Technol 2017, 5:4DOI: 10.4172/2329-955X.1000171
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Shaila, O, Abdul Khadar, B, Manimanjari, D, Vennila, S, Vanaja, M and Srinivasa Rao, Ch. 2016. Impact of elevated CO2 and temperature on aphids – A review. The Bioscan 11(4): 2061-2068.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Manimanjari, D, Vennila, S, Shaila O, Abdul Khadar, B, Rao K V, Srinivas K, Raju B M K, Rama Rao CA , Srinivasa Rao Ch, 2016. Prediction of Helicoverpa armigera Hubner on pigeonpea during future climate change periods using Mark Sim multimodel data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 228 (2016): 130-138.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Manimanjari, D., Rama Rao, C.A., Maheswari, M. (2015) Prediction of pest scenarios of Spodoptera litura Fab. In peanut growing areas of India during future climate change. National Academy of Science Letters DOI 10. 1007/s40009-015-0386-0.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Manimanjari, D., Vanaja, M., Rama Rao, C. A., Srinivas, K., Raju, B. M. K., Maheswari, M and Venkateswarlu, B 2015. Response of multiple generations of Tobacco caterpillar Spodoptera litura Fab, feeding on peanut, to elevated CO2. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 13 (2): 373-386.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Swathi, P., Rama Rao, C.A., Rao, K.V., Raju, B.M.K., Srinivas, K., Manimanjari, D., and Maheswari, M. (2015). Model and scenario variations in predicted number of generations of Spodoptera litura Fab. on peanut during future climate change scenario. PLOS ONE DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0116762. 10(2): 1-12.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Manimanjari, D., Rama Rao, C.A., Swathi, P., and Maheswari, M., 2014. Effect of Climate Change on Spodoptera litura Fab. on peanut: A life table approach. Crop Protection 66(2014), 98-106.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Rama Rao, C. A., Vennila, S., Manimanjari, D., Maheswari, M., and Venkateswarlu, B. 2014. Estimation of number of generations of Spodoptera litura Fab. on peanut in India during near and distant future climate change scenarios. Scientific Research and Essays, 9(7):195-203.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Srinivas, K., Vanaja, M., Manimanjari, D., Rama Rao, C.A and Venkateswarlu, B. 2013 Response of multiple generations of semilooper, Achaea janata L. (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera) feeding on castor - to elevated CO2 Journal of Environmental Biology 34. pp: 877-883
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Padmaja PCM., Manimanjari, Rao,VUM .,Maheswari, M., Abdul Khadar, Vanaja , M andVenkateswarlu, B. 2013 Response of Aphis craccivora Koch to elevated CO2 on Cowpea. Journal of Agrometeorology.15, Special Issue (1). 51-56.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Manimanjari, D., Rama Rao, C. A., and Vennila, S., 2014. Prediction of Number of Generations of Spodoptera litura Fab. on Peanut under Climate Change Scenarios. Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture & Health Science 3(1): 244-250.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, CA Rama Rao., K Srinivas., G Pratibha., SM Vidya Sekhar., G Sreevani and B Venkateswarlu 2012 Intercropping for management of insect pests of castor Ricinus communis, in the semi-arid tropics of India. Journal of Insect Science Vol 12 Article 14 1-10.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Manimanjari, D., Teju Singh., Vanaja, M., Rao, V. U. M., Maheswari, M. and Venkateswarlu, B. 2012. Response of multiple generations of Bihar hairy caterpillar Spilosomaobliqua, feeding on castor, to elevated CO2. Journal of Agrometeorology. Special Issue. Vol 14, 130-137.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Manimanjari, D., Vanaja, M., Rama Rao, C A., Srinivas, K., Rao, V. U. M. and Venkateswarlu, B. 2012. Impact of elevated CO2 on tobacco caterpillar, Spodoptera litura on peanut Arachis hypogea. Journal of Insect Science Vol 12 Article 103, 1-10.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Ranga Rao, G.V and Venkateswarlu, B. 2010. Impact of climate change on insect pests in ‘Lead papers’ of National Symposium on Climate change and Rainfed Agriculture organized by Indian society of Dryland agriculture and Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture during 18-20, February, 2010.pp 43-54.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Srinivas, K., Vanaja, M., Rao, G.G.S.N., Venkateswarlu, B and Ramakrishna, Y.S. 2009 Host plant (Ricinus communis Linn) mediated effects of elevated CO2 on growth performance of two insect folivores Current Science. 97(7):1047-1054. Srinivasa Rao, M, Rama Rao, C.A., Srinivas, K. Pratibha G, SreeVani G and Venkateswarlu B 2009. Intercropping as a tool of IPM in castor, Journal of Oilseeds Research26 (Special issue):509-511.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, C. A Rama Rao, G.Sree Vani, andEAnjaiah, 2007. Impact of Crop-crop diversity on pod borer (Helicoverpaarmigera) of pigeonpea (Cajanuscajan). Indian Journal of Agricultural sciences. 77(7):495-501. Srinivasa Rao, M, MasoodKhan MA, Srinivas K, Vanaja M, Rao GGSN and Ramakrishna YS 2006 Effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on insect plant interactions –a review. Agricultural Reviews.200-207. pp
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Dharma Reddy, K., Singh, T.V.K. and Subba Reddy, G., 2005.Impact of crop duration and intercropping on incidence of Clavigralla gibbosa and Mylabris spp on pigeonpea. Legume Research. 28(3): 172-177.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Dharma Reddy, K., and Singh, T.V.K., 2004. Impact of intercropping on the incidence of Marucavitrata Geyer and HelicoverpaarmigeraHubner and their predatoars on Pigeonpea during rainy and post rainy seasons. Shashpa (A Journal of Entomological Research). XI (i): 61-70.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Dharma Reddy, K., Srivastava, N.N., Singh, T.V.K., Subba Reddy, G. and Ramakrishna, Y.S., 2004. Effect of change in microclimate on insect pests and their predators in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajanL.). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 74 (7): 349-402
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Dharma Reddy, K., Singh, T.V.K, 2003. Impact of intercropping on Empoascakerri of Pigeonpea in rainy and post rainy seasons. Indian Journal of Entomology. 65 (5): 506-512.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, 2003 Yield Infestation relationships in short duration pigeonpea. Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research and Development. 18 (2): 187-191.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Dharma Reddy, K., Singh, T.V.K. and Subba Reddy, G., 2003. Effect of Duration of Pigeonpea cultivars and Intercropping on Pod Borers. Annals of Plant Protection Sciences.11 (2): 232-236.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Dharma Reddy, K. and Singh, T.V.K. 2003. Impact of intercropping on predators of insect pests of Pigeonpea in rainy and post rainy season. Indian Journal of Entomology. 65 (2): 245-261.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Dharma Reddy, K., 2003. IPM of Pod borers in Long Duration Pigeonpea Annals of Plant Protection Sciences. 11 (1): 26-30. Srinivasa Rao, M, Dharma Reddy, K., Singh, T.V.K. and Subba Reddy, G 2002 Crop- Crop Diversity as a key component of IPM. Agricultural Reviews. 272-280
  • Book chapters
  • Srinivasa Rao, M., 2023. Impact of climate change on pest scenarios in agricultural crops In Implications and Impact Assessment of Climate Change on Pests, Natural Enemies and Pollinators in Horticultural Ecosystems Training Manual pp 106-114
  • Srinivasa Rao, M., 2023. Meta-analysis for climate change impact studies on insect pests of Agricultural & Horticultural crops In Implications and Impact Assessment of Climate Change on Pests, Natural Enemies and Pollinators in Horticultural Ecosystems Training Manual pp 115-119
  • Srinivasa Rao, M., Mani, M., Prasad, Y.G., Prabhakar, M., Sridhar, V., Vennila, S. and Singh, V.K. (2022). Climate Change and Pest Management in Strategies in Horticultural and Agricultural Ecosystems in ‘Trends in Horticultural Entomology’. Edited by M. Mani. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 (eBook ISBN 978-981-19-0343-4 Print ISBN 978-981-19-0342-7), Pp 81-122.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M., Lakshmi Aruna Gayatri, D. and Prasad, T.V. (2022). Impact of Climate Change on Insect Pests and Prediction of Pest Scenarios in ‘Adaptation Strategies for Pest Management in Climate Change Scenarios’. M. Srinivasa Rao, T.V. Prasad, N. Balasubramani and V.K. Singh. ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad & National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, India. Pp 29- 38.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M., Lakshmi Aruna Gayatri, D. and Prasad, T.V. (2022). Role of Low External Input IPM in rainfed crops in ‘Adaptation Strategies for Pest Management in Climate Change Scenarios’. M. Srinivasa Rao, T.V. Prasad, N. Balasubramani and V.K. Singh. ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad & National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, India. Pp 81- 89.
  • Srinivasa Rao M., 2021 Effect of climate change on insect pest population dynamics in “Furtherance in Integrated Pest Management, IPM approaches” eds by Sehgal Mukesh, Rekha Belodi, Raghavendra KV, and Subhash Chander 2021 Resource Book by ICAR_NCIPM pp 30-41
  • Srinivasa Rao M., 2019 Impacts of climate change on insect pests In Climate Smart Agriculture, Feed The Future - India Triangular Training (FTF-ITT), eds. by Vanaja M., Bal S.K., Nagasree K., Narsimlu Boini, Raju B.M.K., Reddy K.S., Prasad J.V.N.S., Ravindra
  • Srinivasa Rao, M. 2014. Potential Impacts of climate change on insect pests. In Measurement and management of resistance to chemical insecticides ed by TVK Singh et al Professor Jayashanker Telangana State Agricultural University, Rajendranagar Hyderabad 500 030, 407-413 pp.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M. 2013.Impact of climate change on insect pests and possible adaptation strategies. In Adaptation and mitigation strategies for climate resilient agriculture ed by Ravindrachary et al CRIDA, ICAR, 246-250 pp.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M. and Sreelakshmi, P. 2018. Cost-cutting techniques for insect pest management. IN: Strategies for Enhancement of Farmers Income in Dryland Agriculture. Edited by Manoranjan Kumar, et al. ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad – 500 059, India. 483 PP.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M. 2016. Scope of Insect Farming and Entomophagy In Reshaping Agriculture and Nutrition Linkages for Food and Nutrition Security Eds. K Sreedevi Shankar, R Nagarjuna Kumar, Pushpanjali, K Nagasree, G Nirmala and N Sowri Raju. ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad – 500 059, India. 136-142 pp.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M. 2018. Insect pest dynamics in response to climate change. IN: Agroforestry Opportunities for Enhancing Resilience to Climate Change in Rainfed Areas. Edited by Rajeswara Rao, et al. ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad – 500 059, India. 224 pp.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M., 2016. Insect Pest Dynamics in Projected Climate Scenarios. IN: Agrometeorological Techniques for Risk Assessment and Management of Extreme Events Edited by Bapuji Rao, B. and Rao, V.U.M. All India Coordinated Research Project on Agrometeorology. ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad – 500 059, India. 168-174 pp.
  • Srinivasa Rao 2016 Scope of insect Farming and Entomophagy, in ICAR sponsored short course on Reshaping Agriculture and Nutrition Linkages for Food and Nutrition Security held at CRIDA during 17-26 November 2016, pp 136-142
  • Srinivasa Rao M and Shaila O 2016 ‘Role of Biochemical Constituents and their Influence on Insect pests at eCO2 and eTemp Conditions’ in ICAR sponsored short course on Reshaping Agriculture and Nutrition Linkages for Food and Nutrition Security held at CRIDA during 17-26 November 2016, pp 270-274
  • Srinivasa Rao M, and Venkateswarlu B. 2016. Cropping Systems and Integrated Pest Management In. Integrated Pest Management in the Tropics; Editor Dharam P. Abrol, New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi (India). PP.113-134, 2016.
  • Srinivasa Rao M and Venkateswarlu B 2013 Impact of climate change on insect pests, beneficial insects and possible adaptation strategies 2013 in ‘Climate change and Natural Resource Management eds. Lenka S, Lenka NK, Kundu S, and Rao AS New India Publishing Agency, Pitampura, New Delhi,110 088, pp 177-194
  • Srinivasa Rao M, Srinivasa Rao CH and Venkateswarlu B 2013 Impact of climate change on insect pests and possible adaptation strategies in ‘Climate change and Agriculture’ eds. Bhattacharya T, Pal DK, Dipak Sarkar and Wani SP, Stadium Press India pvt ltd, New Delhi,110 002, pp145-158.
  • Srinivasa Rao 2012 Insect pest dynamics in conservation agriculture, in Conservation Agriculture Strategies for Resource Conservation and Mitigation of Climate Change. Eds G. Pratibha, Ch. Srinivasa Rao, K. V. Rao, I. Srinivas, G.R. Korwar, and B. Venkateswarlu. CRIDA, Hyderabad. pp- 210-215.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M 2010. Impact of elevated CO2 on insect herbivore and host interactions ed by Rao VUM, Subba Rao AVM, Kumar PV, Desai S, Saikia US, Srivastava NN, and Venkateswarlu BV Agricultural Drought: Climate Change and Rainfed Agriculture. Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture. Santoshnagar, Hyderabad, AP India, pp 243-248.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M 2010. Impact of elevated CO2 on insect herbivore and host interactions In Advances in plant-Atmospheric interactions ed by Rao VUM, Subba Rao AVM, Rao, GGSN, Ramana Rao BV, Vijay Kumar and Venkateswarlu BV Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture. Santoshnagar, Hyderabad, AP, India. pp 174-179.
  • Srinivasa Rao M., K Srinivas and Venkateswarlu B 2009 Pest control options in Organic farming in ‘Efficient use of on-farm and off-farm resources in organic farming’. Ed by P Ramesh and A Subba Rao, Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal India. Pp 64-74.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M., Srinivas, K., Vanaja, M., Rao, G.G.S.N., Venkateswarlu, B and Ramakrishna, Y. S. 2009Impact of elevated CO2 on lepidopteron insect pests of Castor (Ricinus communis Linn) In Global Climate Change and Indian Agriculture –case studies from the ICAR network project ed by PK Aggarwal, Indian Council of Agriculture, New Delhi. pp 66-70.
  • Srinivasa Rao M 2008 Pest management in Organic farming with crop-crop diversity in ‘Organic Farming in Rainfed Agriculture Opportunities and Constraints’ ed. by B Venkateswarlu, SS Balloli, and YS Ramakrishna pp119-125.
  • Srinivasa Rao M2007 Microclimate and insect relationships in dryland crops in Agricultural Drought: Aspects of micrometeorology ed. by YS Ramakrishna, GGSN Rao PSN Sastry, and VUM Rao ISBN NO: 978-81-904360-0-7. pp 267-273.
  • Srinivasa Rao M, G. Pratibha, G.R. Korwar and B. Venkateswarlu2007 Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Extracts In Insect Pest Management - A Review in Advances in Medicinal Plants ed by KJ Reddy, Birbahudur, B. Badhrayya, and MLN Rao pp269-280.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M. 2016. Scope of Insect Farming and Entomophagy In Reshaping Agriculture and Nutrition Linkages for Food and Nutrition Security Eds. K Sreedevi Shankar, R Nagarjuna Kumar, Pushpanjali, K Nagasree, G Nirmala and N Sowri Raju. ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad – 500 059, India. 136-142 pp.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M., Dharma Reddy, K., Singh, T.V.K., and Subba Reddy, G. 2002 Integrated Management of pod borers of Pigeonpea In Resources Management in Plant Protection During Twenty-First Century Conference Proceedings. Babu, B. S., Varaprasad, K. S., Anitha, K., Prasada Rao, R. D. V. J., Chakrabarty, S. K. & Chandurkar, P. S. (Eds). Plant Protection Association of India, Hyderabad. PP:157-164
  • Srinivasa Rao, M. 2002. Role of non-pesticidal approaches in integrated pest management. In Short course on Advances in implementable pest management technology Manual Dr. Harvir Singh (Ed). Directorate of Oilseed Research, Hyderabad, 124-129
  • Srinivasa Rao, M., Ramakrishna, Y.S and Srivastava, N.N. 1999. Crop-pest-weather Relationships in Dryland Agriculture. In Fifty Years of Dryland Agriculture in India. H.P. Singh, Y.S. Ramakrishna, K.L. Sharma and B. Venkateswarlu (eds). 1999. Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, 163-178.
  • Books

  • a. Edited Srinivasa Rao M., Prasad T.V., Balasubramani N. and Singh V.K. (2022). Adaptation Strategies for Pest Management in Climate Change Scenarios. Hyderabad: ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad & National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, India. (ISBN No. 978-93-91668-63-1
  • Vennila S., MN Bhat, M Srinivasa Rao and M Prabhakar (2022). A treatise on the impact of climate variability and change on insects and diseases. ICAR-National Research Centre for Integrated Pest Management, New Delhi, India. pp. xxii + 450. (ISBN No. 978-93-5620-511-6)
  • Srinivasa Rao Ch, Maheswari M, Srinivasa Rao M, Sharma, K.L., Vanaja. M., Rao, V.U.M., Ramana, D. B. V., Rama Rao, C. A., Vijay Kumar, P., Prasad, Y.G., Prasad, J.V.N.S., Sikka, A.K. Research Highlights-NICRA 2015. ISBN 978-93-80883-37-3. pp 120
  • Maheswari, M., Srinivasa Rao, M., Rao. V.U.M., Srinivasa Rao. Ch., Reddy. K. S., Ramana, D.B.V., Rama Rao, C.A., Vijay Kumar, P., Prasad, Y.G., Venkateswarlu, B., Sikka, A.K. 2014. Research Highlights-NICRA. ICAR-CRIDA. ISBN 978-93-80883-28-1. pp 116
  • Venkateswarlu, B., Maheshwari, M., Srinivasa Rao, M., Rao. V.U.M., Srinivasa Rao. Ch., Reddy. K. S., Ramana. D. B. V., Rama Rao, C. A., Vijay Kumar, P., Dixit, S., Sikka, A.K. 2013. Research Highlights-NICRA. ICAR-CRIDA. ISBN 978-93-80883-20-5. pp 111.
  • Aggarwal, P, K., Venkateswarlu, B., Rao, G.G.S.N., Srinivasa Rao, M., Vanaja, M., Naresh Kumar, S., Subba Rao, A.V.M. and Rao, V.U.M. 2010 ICAR Network Project on Impact, Adaptation and Vulnerability of Indian Agriculture to Climate Change, Annual Report 2008-09, Published by CRIDA, Hyderabad, pp128.
  • Aggarwal PK, Venkateswarlu B, Rao GGSN, Srinivasa Rao M, Vanaja M, Naresh Kumar S, Subba Rao, AVM and Rao, VUM 2010. ICAR Network Project on Impact, Adaptation, and Vulnerability of Indian Agriculture to Climate Change, Annual Report 2009-10, Published by CRIDA, Hyderabad, pp 128.
  • Venkateswarlu B, Naresh Kumar S, Bapuji Rao, Srinivasa Rao M, Subba Rao, AVM, Vanaja M, and Rao, VUM 2010. ICAR Network Project on Impact, Adaptation and Vulnerability of Indian Agriculture to Climate Change, Annual Report 2009-10, Published by CRIDA, Hyderabad, p. 252.
  • Venkateswarlu B, Srinivas K, Srinivasa Rao M, Rama Rao CA, Ravindra Chary G, Nagasree K and Subba Rao AVM 2009 Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, ‘Annual Report’ Published by CRIDA, Hyderabad, pp 130.
  • b. Authored K.P.R. Vittal, HP Singh., G. Ravindra Chary, G.R. Maruti Shankar, Y.G. Prasad, M. Srinivasa Rao, JS Samra, Gurbachan Singh. 2003. Improved agronomic Practices for dryland crops in India. AICRP (Dryland Agriculture). (ICAR). p 1-210.
  • Manimanjari D and Srinivasa Rao, M. 2019. Response of tobacco caterpillar, Spodoptera litura Fab. L. feeding on castor and sunflower to elevated CO2. Lap Lambert’s publications, Mauritius. 191p.
  • Rao, G.G.S.N., Ramana Rao, B.V., Srinivasa Rao, M., Ravindrachary, G., Rao, V.U.M., Desai, S., Rao, A.V.M.S., Venkateswarlu, B 2009 Weather based decisions for growing Kharif sorghum in Telangana region of Andhra Pradesh –a practical manual AICRPAM Tech.BullNo.2/2009.CRIDA Hyderabad. ISBN No. 978-81-904360-8-3. 42p.
  • Technical Bulletins
  • Srinivasa Rao, M., M. Vanaja, I. Srinivas, C.V.K. Nageshwara Rao, K. Srinivas, M. Maheswari, M. Prabhakar, P. Sreelakshmi, S. Bhaskar and K. Sammi Reddy (2018). CTGC: A facility to study the interactive effects of CO2 and Temperature. Bulletin No.01/2018, ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad, India, 44p.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M., Shaila, O., Abdul Khadar, B., Manimanjari, D., Vennila1, S., Vanaja, M., Rama Rao, C.A., Srinivas, K., Maheswari, M. and Srinivasa Rao, Ch., (2016). Impact of elevated CO2 and temperature on aphids. Bulletin No.01/2016, Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad, India, 46p.
  • Srinivasa Rao M, Rama Rao CA, Raju BMK, Manimanjari D, Srinivas K, Maheswari M and Ramamohan I, 2014. Ingen. National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA), Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad 500059.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M., Srinivas, K., Vanaja, M., Manimanjari, D., Rama Rao, C. A., Rao, V.U.M. and Venkateswarlu, B. (2012). Response to elevated CO2 of multiple generations of semilooper, Achaea janata L. (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera) feeding on castor. Bulletin No. 1/2012. Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. 32 p
  • Srinivasa Rao, M., Rama Rao, C.A., Vennila, S., Raju, B.M.K., Srinivas, K., Padmaja, P.C.M., Rao A.V.M.S., Maheswari, M., Rao, V.U.M., and Venkateswarlu, B., (2012). Meta-analysis of Impact of elevated CO2 on host - insect herbivore interactions. Bulletin No. 2/2012. Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. 48 p.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M., Srinivas, K., Vanaja M, Rao GGSN and Venkateswarlu B.2008 Impact of elevated CO2 on insect herbivore –host interactions. Research Bulletin.pp36.
  • Srinivasa Rao M, C A Rama Rao, E.Anjaiah, K.srinivas, G.Pratibha, S.M.Vidyashekar and M.S.Prasad.2007. Samagra sasyarakshanalo yajamanya paddathulu. Technical bulletin 16pp.
  • Rama Rao, C.A., Srinivas Rao, M., Srinivas, K. and Ramakrishna, Y.S., 2007. Adoption and Impact of Integrated Pest Management in Cotton, Groundnut and Pigeonpea, Research Bulletin/AgEcon/2/2007. Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (ICAR), Hyderabad. 32 p.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M., Rama Rao C A, Ramakrishna Y S, Srinivas K, Sree Vani G and Vittal KPR 2006 Crop-crop diversity as key component of IPM in Pigeonpea. Research bulletin 24 pp
  • Srinivasa Rao M, C A Rama Rao, Y S Ramakrishna, K Srinivas, G Sree Vani, and K P R Vittal 2006. Crop-crop diversity and insect pest incidence – a meta-analysis study. Research bulletin p24.
  • Srinivasa Rao, M, Rama Rao C A, Ramakrishna Y S, Srinivas K, Sree Vani G Venkateswarlu B and Vittal KPR 2006 Crop-crop diversity as key component of IPM in castor. Research bulletin 20 pp.
  • G.G.S.N. Rao, B.V. Ramana Rao, Srinivasa Rao, M,, G. Ravindra Chary, V.U.M. Rao, S. Desai, A.V.M.S. Rao and B. Venkateswarlu. 2009. Weather-based Decisions for Growing Kharif Sorghum in Telangana Region of Andhra Pradesh - A Practical Manual. AICRPAM Tech. Bul.No.2/2009. AICRP on Agro meteorology, Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad. 42 p