The Institute has a Central Library with a collection of over 8963 books and 5169 back volume of periodicals upto March, 2013. It subscribes to 126 Indian, 13 International Journals and 4 Foreign Databases viz., AGRICOLA, AGRIS, CROP-CD and SOIL-CD are subscribed. The ICAR under National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) has established a Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) to access 2000 + scholarly peer reviewed e-journals from the most renowned publishers in the disciplines of agriculture and related sciences. This online e-resource is available across 150 + Agricultural Research Institutes, Project Directorates, and SAUs under NARS. The Library is also powered with SOUL software from INFLIBNET for in-house library management. Extensive information is collected and maintained on all aspects of rainfed agriculture.
Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture(CeRA)