
Rain Water Management

Moisture Conservation technology

In-situ Moisture Conservation technology for maximum infiltration, rainwater use efficiency and profitability in groundnut based cropping system for semiarid vertisols in Western India

The technology includes package of efficient tillage practices like shallow ploughing, deep ploughing every year, deep ploughing alternate years and deep ploughing once in every 3years on long term experiments. The maximum benefits of infiltration up to 12.8cm and rainwater use efficiency of 1.59 kg/h/mm were obtained. This technology resulted in maximum gross returns of Rs 22,661/Ha with benefit cost ratio of 1.53 and sustainable yield index of 25.6-30.9% based on cumulative rainfall for attending maximum Groundnut pod yield and 38-44.8% for Straw yield. This technology was adopted by the dryland farmers in the Western India