

Cultivation of Hybrid Napier Grass for Feeding Livestock.

Shri Madan Murary Prajapati is an innovative famer and following practice of his innovation i.e., planting method: One root-slip or a stem cutting possessing at least two nodes are planted in a single hole or spot. A small portion of root slip or upper node of stem cutting should remain with the soil level. Stem cuttings should preferably be planted vertically, slantingly or horizontally. He used a spacing of 50 x 50 cm, preferably during rainy season but can be planted round the year if good practices are observed. At the time of land preparation farm yard manure (FYM) or compost is applied at the rate of 52.5 q/ ha each time after harvest of green fodder to stimulate regeneration of the grass. The first cut is ready in 60 days and subsequent cuttings are taken approximately at an interval of 30 – 45 days. A stubble height of 5 – 8 cm is left during harvesting of the green fodder. The hybrid Napier (Var. Co-3) yield was 72,625 kg/ha/year with six cuts and the expenses incurred was ` 16,550 ha/year. The net return was 46,340 ha/year under innovative cultivation. As a result of adopting innovative growing like varietal intervention, Shri Madan Murary Prajapati has achieved a 40% higher yield of hybrid Napier with improved innovative practices.