
Rain Water Management

Farm Pond based Integrated Farming System.

Farm Pond based Integrated Farming System Focus area.

During kharif, significant area of Shri Chhatrapal Pateria farm remained fallow due to water logging while field crops are affected by early, mid and late drought during the monsoon or excess rainfall. He constructed farm pond in low lying area of his farm for harvesting rain water and adopted integrated arming system module involving components such as crop production + vegetable production + dairy + fisheries + composting and bio gas. Fish fingerlings of catla, rohu, mrigal and grass carp were introduced in pond. Vegetables such as chilli, tomato and brinjal were also grown for vegetable production. Waste from livestock was used for compost making with NADEP and also used in biogas production. Slurry produced from biogas was used in fish culture.