
Rain Water Management

Use of Irrigation Water Improved Returns in Drought Prone Areas.

Efficient use of Irrigation Water Improved Returns in Drought Prone Areas.

Shri Selvaraj used to cultivate only 2 acres of land and the remaining land was left fallow as his bore well was not functional throughout the year. After the renovation of near by Aaiyiramkuttai community pond, he is cultivating crops like onion, fodder crops, maize, groundnut, green gram, cucurbitaceous vegetables, annual moringa etc., and now he extended the cultivated area to 5 acres. He adopted sprinkler irrigation method for fodder (CoFs-29, red sorghum, Bajra Napier), groundnut and onion cultivation. He reported more than 30% water has been saved when compared to flood irrigation. Foliar spray of PPFM (Pink Pigmented Facultative Methylotrophs) was used in his onion field @ 10 days interval. Semi spreading medium duration (120-130 day) Groundnut var. Co-6 was adopted which can withstand drought condition.He has adopted short duration green gram cultivars so as to maximize production from the limited water.