
Rain Water Management

Cultivation of Groundnut in Raised Bed Technique.

Cultivation of Groundnut in Raised Bed Technique.

The traditional practice of cultivating groundnut on flat bed is not remunerative as conservation of rain water during scanty rains and disposal of excess water during heavy rains is not possible. Shri R.K Venkataravanappa a marginal famer from S. Raghuttahalli, Chikkaballapura district started cultivating groundnut on raised bed. In this raised bed practice, ploughing twice with tractor drawn MB plough was done followed by formation of three meters width raised beds across the slope and 0.3 meter furrow is opened in between the raised beds which conserves water. Seeds of groundnut were sown at 30 cm x 15 cm spacing using a seed rate of 100 kg/ha. Zinc and Boron were applied at 10 and 5kg /ha, respectively, as basal besides normaldose of NPK. In case of existing practice (flat bet), ploughing twice with tractor drawn MB plough followed by leveling is done and higher seed rate of 10 kg/ha over that of raised bed is needed. He also experienced ease in harvesting, good filling of pods and improved shelling percentage in raised bed technique.