
Rain Water Management

Cultivation of Vegetables under Ridge and Furrow Method in Flood Prone Regions.

Cultivation of Vegetables under Ridge and Furrow Method in Flood Prone Regions.

B Shri Vada Laxman Rao has taken up cultivation of vegetables with ridge and furrow method which reduce damage due to inundation and also acts as in-situ moisture conservation practice. He has also taken up zero till maize cultivation after paddy. He has observed reduction in the number of tillage operations and also reduction in number of irrigations due to zero tillage. With ridge and furrow method, plant mortality reduced due to reduction in the duration of water stagnation. Crop yield increased by 19%. Due to the higher market price, farmers are interested to grow maize instead of blackgram with zero till method and the net returns are more when compared to blackgram in rice fallows. Cropping intensity can be increased with available water with this technology.