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Interface Meeting on Enhancing the Preparedness for Agriculture Contingencies during kharif 2023 for Odisha

A State Level Virtual Interface Meeting on Enhancing the Preparedness for Agriculture Contingencies during kharif 2023 for Odisha was jointly organized by ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad and Department of Agriculture & Farmers Empowerment, Government of Odisha was held on 27th June 2023. Dr Arabind Kumar Padhee, Pr. Secretary, Dept of Agriculture & farmers Empowerment, Dr. V.K. Singh, Director, ICAR-CRIDA, Sri Prem Chandra Choudhary, Director, Agriculture Dept, Sri Rohit Lenka, Director, Horticulture, Sri Subhash Saxena Director, Soil and Water Conservation, Dr P Mishra, Dean Extension OUAT, Representatives of ICAR institutes located in AP, District Agriculture Officers of various districts, Project Coordinators of KVKs, Scientists from ICAR-CRIDA attended the meeting.

Dr K.V. Rao Presented the seasonal rainfall forecast by SASCOF & IMD, actual rainfall received at district and sub district level, monthly rainfall forecasts by IMD (July and August) and rainfall forecasts of IMD for next 4 weeks and discussed with officials and scientists about implications. Few districts are identified for greater monitoring during the season as the seasonal forecast indicates higher probability of deficient rainfall. He also suggested to take measures for reducing the gap between irrigation potential created and utilised in association with irrigation dept and to ensure timely release eof water to paddy crop during the season.

Director, Dept of Agriculture, Soil & Water Conservation & Horticulture Dept. of Govt. of Odisha presented the preparedness for agriculture contingencies in terms of seeds availability, crop diversification to millets, pulses, oilseeds, promotion of micro irrigation systems, support for vegetable cultivation coupled with MI systems, promotion of spices, mushrooms, floriculture specially in mid and uplands, promotion of agro forestry systems, development of watersheds through REWARD program on scientific basis etc.

Dr P Misha Dean, Extension OUAT elaborated on the revision of contingency plans by KVKs incorporating the changes on sowing windows, new varieties info etc.

Dr Arabind Kumar Padhee , in his key note address informed various development initiatives being taken up in sthe state such as Millets Mission, Mission on Maize and shared that a weekly review meetings with all departments is taking place to review the progress of sowings and crop conditions and advised all district level officials to be vigilant to manage the crops efficiently to reduce the impact of deficient rainfall, if any, during the season. The district officials presented the contingency plans for their respective districts in the event of insufficient rainfall at different time periods and projected the requirement of various inputs.

The meeting ended with vote of thanks to Chair.