
Rain Water Management

Diversified Crop Production from Harvested Rain Water.

Diversified Crop Production from Harvested Rain Water.

Shri Kuldeep Singh Parmar an innovative farmer substituted crops like maize and wheat with vegetables. Crop diversification with vegetables especially cucurbits, cole crops as well as adopting ridge and furrow technology of cultivation and biomass mulching enabled him to realize additional income from vegetable cultivation. He utilized harvested rainwater in his farm having an area of 0.4ha. He used vermicompost @ 8-10 q /0.08 ha in two split doses at six months interval. He is getting an additional income and quality produce as compared to other farmers of adjoining areas who apply heavy doses of fertilizers. Cabbage and cauliflower are transplanted at a distance of 45 cm x 30 cm. Bitter gourd and bottle gourd are transplanted in rows at a distance of 3.0 m and plant to plant distance is maintained at 1.0 m in the furrows. Cucumber is transplanted at a distance of 2 m x 75 cm in furrows under ridge and furrow system of cultivation. Seeds of okra are sown at a distance of 45 x 20 cm during summer and 60 x 30 cm during rainy season. Pheromone traps ‘Palam traps’ for fruit fly are kept @ 25 traps/ha and refilled at every 45 days interval.